It has a huge importance in Vedas. According to yogic philosophy, food is recognized as the great entity of life as it is responsible for the growth of the body. It is hence called Brahman (God) and rice mixed with Indian Cow Ghee is called Soma juice and it is described as the diet of god. So this food is considered sacred itself.
Ghee has a very bright history and the Vedas, Ayurvedic Samahitas, and Yoga Texts contain frequent references to Indian cow ghee in many places for several purposes such as maintaining health, promoting healing and ceremonial uses. It is likely humans have been making Indian cow ghee since milk become a part of diet. In history, it was believed that one who had ample stocks of ghee was said to possess liquid gold.
Ghee is made from freshly churned butter after the water and solid from the milk has been removed through heating. You can add spices for the flavor. The texture, color, and the taste completely depend on the quality of the Indian cow butter and source of the milk. It depends highly on the duration of the boiling of milk. More we boil the milk, simmering in a slow flame, better will be the quality.
To make ghee obtain raw Indian Cow milk, then boil it, let it cool to about 42-43 degree Celsius and add curd. Let it settle for about 12-14 hours. Curd is then churned using ancient methods to obtain clarified butter. Place one or two bars of unsalted clarified butter in a saucepan till the time it boils; then lower the heat. When the white foam of milk solids accumulated at the top begins to collapse and thicken, start skimming it off from there. Do not disturb the bottom of the pan. As the butter continues to boil, carefully observe the oily portion till it becomes clear, and watch the sediment on the bottom till it becomes golden brown.
When all the water is evaporated, the bubbling sound will stop. When only the clear oil and golden sediment remain the ghee is ready. Remove it from the heat and let it sit for a moment. Pour the ghee off into a container (not plastic- as it may melt). It doesn’t need to be in fridge but do keep it away from moisture.
As mentioned in the history column we can see that we are using Indian Cow Ghee since ages. Indian Cow Ghee has one of the highest flash points (485 Degree Fahrenheit) which makes it the best choice for high temperature cooking. It contains Omega 3 and Omega 9 fatty acids along with vitamins A, D, E, and K. It is one of the highest sources of Conjugated Linoleic Acid, 9 phenolic anti-oxidants, as well as numerous other minerals. It is a substance that gives longevity and balance to the aging characteristics by enriching the living body. The purity of Klimom Indian Cow ghee allows it to deep penetrate and nourish the cell as it passes through the lipid membrane of the cells. For this reason, the food cooked in Indian Cow ghee will be drawn deep into the body where they impart most benefits.
It is an excellent home remedy to improve digestion and cure constipation. Drinking a warm glass of milk with a tablespoon of Indian cow ghee every night will enhance your digestion power. It is known as brain tonic and best for strengthening mental health.
It stops the growth of cancer cells and is beneficial for curing thyroid dysfunction. It improves sperm count and strengthens sexual power. It is good for building stamina. It improves immune system, vision and the glow of skin.It is also used to heal wounds, chapped lips, mouth ulcers, bleeding nose, brain stroke, and migraine problem. For that you need to add two drops of little bit warm cow ghee in nostrils for a few days.
It increases metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol. Study says that adding 1-2 tablespoons of ghee specifically helps reduce stubborn belly fat but beware excess of ghee may increase your weight. It helps in curing hair fall and good for healthy heart.
It is recommended for those suffering from piles, fissure and fistula problems. Apply ghee directly externally for relieving pain and burning sensation.
Ghee. It should be pure. The best Ghee is the natural Ghee from Indian Cow milk. Exercise or physical activity will add to the sense of well-being for those consuming cow ghee on daily basis.